11 Health-Boosting Wellness Teas You Must Try

The world knows how much Indians love tea. Does anyone else love this beverage as much as we do? Largely, “NO”.. We are not the only nation that enjoys tea as much as the Chinese do. 

healthy tea

Tea is an integral part of daily life in many communities all over the world. Here are eleven examples that show you how to leave an impression. 

1) Japanese Matcha Tea

This Japanese powdered tea has gained a lot of popularity due to its delightful green flavor and health advantages. Matcha is the best variety of green tea. In Zen, it has long been connected to meditation and tea ceremonies. There are many health benefits linked to matcha tea. Matcha is said to contain 100 times more antioxidants than ordinary green tea, in addition to being high in vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

The leaves are steeped in water and then discarded during the preparation of green tea. However, in the case of matcha, finely ground leaf powder is used to make the tea. Before being ground into a powder, the leaves are aged, dried, and lightly steamed to bring out their flavor. The water is mixed with the powder until it foams and turns into a delicious drink.

2) Turkish Cay Tea

Turkey is the country that drinks more tea than both China and Russia put together, with cay tea being the primary ingredient. Though it may have Turkish roots, cay tea also bears the influence of the Ottoman Empire. The name, for instance, is pronounced exactly like chai and is derived from the Chinese word chá, which means tea. The method used to prepare Cay tea is the multilayered vessel known as Çaydanlık, which takes its cues from the Russian tea preparation vessel. On top of each other, there are two kettles. Turkey is the only country where beet sugar is used to sweeten tea. 

3) The Tibetan Po Cha

Because of its salty flavor, some people may argue that Po Cha is an acquired taste. It may resemble soup more than tea to visitors from the West. However, Po Cha is well-versed in the fundamentals of Tibetan culture. The tea is commonly referred to as butter tea. It contains yak butter, salt, and black tea. Hours are spent brewing the tea to give it a bitter flavor. Given that Po Cha tastes best immediately after brewing, it is served hot.

4) Taiwanese Pearl Milk Tea

This Taiwanese phenomenon gained international attention in the 1980s and was named after the way it looked. There are tapioca balls in the tea that resemble pearls or bubbles on the surface. Additionally, the tea is commonly referred to as bubble tea.

Milk is optional when making bubble tea. Furthermore, it is typical to have the option of black, green, or oolong tea. Tea is generously flavored with the flavor of chewy tapioca balls, which are typically cooked in sugar syrup. This was invented by Chun Shui Tang Tea House, as is widely believed. Whoever created this beverage, which is also fairly filling due to the tapioca balls it contains, has a daily impact on Taiwanese culture. 

5) Russian Zavarka

Russia’s own traditional tea, Zavarka, is extremely special because of the way it is made. Tea used to be a luxury enjoyed only by the affluent and members of the royal family. The working class did, however, eventually discover the art of making ‘tea concentrate’ and diluting the necessary amount of it. Eventually, in Russia—a nation that is spread across more than 11 time zones—this became the standard way to sip tea. A metal pot known as a samovar is used to prepare zavarka. 

6) Egypt’s Karkade Tea

Get ready for Karkade, a tea that tastes like cranberries, if you can not imagine a tea having a tart flavor. This Egyptian specialty consists solely of hibiscus extract. Hibiscus flowers are in full bloom in the summer and make a cool drink. Dried flower petals are soaked in water for an entire night to make hibiscus tea. 

Egyptian hibiscus tea is distinguished by its vivid crimson-red color. Hibiscus tea is popular and generally healthy, but it can have some unintended effects, like making your blood vessels enlarge. The state of your heart may not be well served by this.

7) Argentina’s Yerba Mate

In South America, yerba mate is a popular morning beverage, particularly in Argentina. It is extensively offered in every store across the nation. Most people have a few sips of yerba mate to start their day.

Tea lovers swarm to the shops in the mornings, sharing sip after sip of yerba mate with their friends. Caffeine and antioxidants are abundant in it. It is customary to drink this tea out of a metal or wooden cup. 

8) Kenyan Purple Tea

Similar to the feelings the name evokes, purple tea is an uncommon variety that can only be found in Kenya’s mountains. The plants need higher elevations and colder temperatures to grow. The plant produces more anthocyanins and polyphenols on its leaves when it receives more sunlight. Purple tea’s anthocyanin content is similar to blueberries’. These same compounds also give the leaves their purple color. Compared to other teas, it tastes softer and has less bitterness and astringency.

9) Thai-based Cha Yen

Serve it hot or cold, this is a popular Asian beverage in Southeast Asia. Condensed milk is often used to make the tea. Tamarind seeds, star anise, and orange blossom water enhance its flavor. Both street vendors and restaurants frequently serve it. To make it look better, food coloring in orange or yellow is also added. 

10) Qatar’s Karak Chai

Masala Chai, an Indian tea, tastes a lot like Karak Chai. It resembles Indian chai in appearance as well. It is understandable why. These days, a staple of the traditional way of life is hot Indian Masala Chai. In Qatar, it is highly favored and available at all neighborhood tea shops. Karak tea has a comforting aroma because, like Masala Chai, it is made with spices and herbs. Most add cardamom, ginger, and cinnamon to enhance the flavor. However, to give it a unique flavor, costly saffron spice is occasionally added. 

11) Chinese Gong Fu Tea

“Gong Fu Cha” refers to the exceptional ability to make tea. Chinese tea ceremonies are some of the most complex rituals in the world, involving a strenuous procedure meant to enhance individuals as complete beings. Both knowledge and skills are required for this.

Before engaging in martial arts training, participants perform this ritual to balance their energy. The four main items needed for the Chinese tea ceremony are a kettle, brewing tray, Yixing teapot, and chahai (tea pitcher). Still, the mineral-rich spring water is the essence of Gongfu tea. The tea is presented in a tiny tea cup.

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